The Messy Middle by Ellen Jackson
Potential Psychology
Future of Work: What skills will kids need to thrive in the future workforce?

Future of Work: What skills will kids need to thrive in the future workforce?

"Job crafting is something we should be teaching to school students. How do I craft my job in the smallest way to maximise my purpose in life?" 

Do you worry about your children's ability to thrive in the future workplace?

In the survey that my co-host for this podcast series Dr. Joe Sweeney ran to give us some juicy data for our conversations, an overwhelming 79% of parents answered 'YES' to that very question. Understandably, a key concern that came up was about job security for our future workforce. Parents are asking:

  • Will my kids have the same secure work experience that I had or will their life be constantly adapting, changing jobs, scrambling to find employment?

To answer this question, Joe and I embarked on a conversation about "the dynamic nature of the future of work" and the skills that kids (and all of us) will need as the nature of work changes into the future.

And because the joy of podcast conversations is that they are rarely linear, we also explore:

  • The purpose of purpose at work and the role that employers can play in helping us to thrive at work through social contribution

  • Why it's important that we get involved in policy making to make the future what we want it to be

  • Motivation and the mechanisms that drive it

  • The top, timeless skillsets we need to cultivate in our children for them to thrive in the future including communicating effectively, empathy, stress management, complex problem solving, critical thinking, creativity and self-regulation.

  • Neurodiversity, where it works well at work and while we're all neurodiverse in some ways.

  • The importance of understanding yourself and others for thriving at work

  • Tips on the activities parents can engage in with their kids in to enhance the necessary skillsets. There's an infographic sheet that comes with each episode as a bit of advanced reading/homework for parents. Don't forget to download a copy!

Don't forget that you can join the discussion by sharing your thoughts via the Spotify Q&A feature! And you can become a special VIP Member of the Potential Psychology Podcast by subscribing here -

This week's Homework for Parents:

How do we give our kids an edge in the future workplace?

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Do Good At Work: How Simple Acts of Social Purpose Drive Success and Wellbeing by Bea Boccalandro

Job Crafting and Creating More Meaning in Work with Cass Dunn

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink

Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know by Adam Grant

PO: Beyond Yes and No by Edward de Bono


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The Messy Middle by Ellen Jackson
Potential Psychology
Explore what it is to be human and how to fulfil your potential.
Australian psychologist Ellen Jackson interviews experts in the mind, brain, happiness, well-being and high performance. Our conversations are easy and engaging, insightful and fun. Listen in to learn more about living well, mastering your mind and maximising the joy in your life.
So much to learn and all you need are your ears!
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